Sunday 21 January 2018

Lesson 7 - ni renshi bu renshi ta

    rènshì  rènshì   tā (do you know him?) - know/don't know him?

or: ni renshi ta ma? (do you know him?)


 kāixué (start school)

(kaishi 开始 - start)

  míngpiàn - business card

教授 jiàoshòu - professor

jiāo - teach

看一下  kànyixià - take a look

专业 zhuānyè - profession (major)

系 xì - department

美术 měishù - art


文学    wénxué - literature

看一下 kanyixia - take a look for a while

Meeting someone for first time
A:我来lái介绍一下jieshao yixia
 (wo lai jieshao yixia)- let me introduce for a while
这是name of B 
(zhe shi name of B- this is name of B)

B:我们来认识一下renshi yixia
wo men lai renshi yixia - let us get to know each other
我姓/ ___
(wo xing......., jiao.....) - my surname......,call...........

Talking about one’s major
  Ni xuexi shenme zhuanye?
    What major are you studying?

B: 我学习_________专业
wo xuexi (major) zhuanye - I study.....major

Kuaiji 会计 (accounting)
Jinrong 金融 (finance)

guanli 管理 - (management)
资讯工艺Zīxùn gōngyì
     Information Science and Technology
工商管理Gōngshāng guǎnlǐ      

Example of business card :
名片 Míngpiàn- business card

yǔyán xuéyuàn hànyǔ xì - Language Department Chinese Department

张介元 -Zhang Jiyuan(name)

教授 jiàoshòu- Professor

yǔyán xuéyuàn 26 lóu 301 hào- Language Institute, 26th Floor, No. 301

电话 diànhuà:12345678 - Phone: 12345678

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