Sunday 21 January 2018

Lesson 6 - comment and suggestion

Week 8
·      朋友 pengyou (friend)
·      好朋友 hao pengyou (good friend)
·      男朋友 nan pengyou (boyfriend)
·      男性朋友Nan xing pengyou (male friends)
·      女朋友 nu pengyou (girlfriend)
·      女性朋友nu xing pengyou (female friend)

·      Da qiu 打球 (play-sport that use hand)
·      Ti qiu 踢球 (kick the ball-sport that use head))
·      Wan qiu 玩球 (play ball)

·      你是好人。 Ni shi hao ren. (you are a good guy/girl)

        怎 么 样 - zenmeyang (how about it)

        有 意 思 - you yisi (interesting)

        京剧 kanjingju (watching Beijing opera)

        京 剧 jīngjù (Beijing opera)

        hao (is it good)

        很好 hen hao (very good)

        tài (too)

        太好了Tai hao le (sounds great)

        好的hao de (okay)
 •好啊 hao de (alright)
 •是的 Shi de (yes)
天气tiānqì (the weather)
很好tiānqì hen hao (the weather is great)
天 zuotian (yesterday)
天 jintian (nowadays / today)
天 mingtian (tomorrow)
现在 xiànzài (right now)
Time + Sub. + verb+ objects.
 Sub. + Time+ verb+ objects.

时 候 shíhou (time)

什么时候 Shenme shihou (when/at what time)  (几时jishi) - when

 Ni shenme shihou qu? (when are you going?)

时间 shíjiān (time)

ni you shíjiān ma? - do you have the time?

shuō (say)

一遍 yībiàn (again)

一遍shuō yībiàn (say it again)

zai shuō yībiàn (say it again)

请再 qing zai shuō yībiàn (please say it again)

qù (go with)

游 泳 yóuyǒng (swim)

打 球 dǎqiú (play)

Wan qiu 玩球 (play the ball)

Da qiu (play-sport that use hand)

(da lanqiu, da wangqiu, da yuqiu,da paiqiu )

Ti qiu (kick the ball)

抱 歉 bàoqiàn (sorry)

恐 怕kǒngpà (I'm afraid)

抱歉 bàoqiàn恐怕不行kǒngpà buxing (sorry, I'm afraid not)

昨 天的京剧怎么样

Zuotian de jingju zenmeyang ?(what happened to Beijing Opera yesterday?)

昨 天的电diànyǐng怎么样
Zuótiān de diànyǐng zěnme yàng? (what happened to the movie yesterday?)

Jintian women qu youyong, hao ma? (today we go swimming,okay?)

Jīntiān wǒmen qù dǎqiú, hǎo ma? (today we play,okay?)

Jīntiān wǒmen qù mǎi dōngxī, hǎo ma? (today we go shopping,okay?)

Jīntiān wǒmen qù chīfàn, hǎo ma? (today we go eat,okay?)

Jīntiān wǒmen qù kàn jīngjù, hǎo ma? (today we go to Peking Opera,okay?)

今天我们diànyǐng 好吗
Jīntiān wǒmen qù kàn diànyǐng, hǎo ma? (today,we go to the movie,okay?)

Suggest : wo men qu chi fan hao ma?
              我们去吃饭好吗? - we go to eat okay?

Accept : Tai hao le, shenme shihou qu?
            太好了, 候去 - sounds great, what time we go?

Reject : Hen baoqian, wo hen mang, kongpa buxing.
           很 抱歉, 我 很忙,恐怕不行

昨 天的京剧


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