Sunday 14 January 2018

Lesson 5 - canting zai nar (looking for someone)

餐厅在哪儿 - canting zai nar(Where is the restaurant?)

餐厅 - canting (restaurant)

宿舍 - sushe (hostel)

- zuo (sit down)
哪儿 - nar (where)
请问qǐngwèn (excuse me)  
céng (floor)
对不起duìbuqǐ  (I'm sorry)
hào (number)
没关系méiguānxi (It's okay)
知道zhīdao (know)
不用búyòng (no need to)
A: 谢谢! - xiexie (thank you)
B: 不客kèqi    - bu keqi (you're wlcome)    Or
       不谢。- bu xie (no thanks)

A: 对不起! - duibuqi ( I'm sorry)
B: 没关系 - meiquanxi (it's okay)

A: 再见!- zaijian (goodbye)
B: 再见- zaijian (goodbye)

请问,................  在哪儿? - qingwen, ........ zai nar er? (excuse me, .......... where is it)

餐厅 - canting (restaurant)
宿舍 - sushe (dorm room / hostel)
办公室 - bangongshi (office)

在哪里?- zai nali (where is it)
在哪儿?- zai nar (where)

Place A place B direction noun (place A zai place B de direction word)
eg: deen cafe zai STAD building pangbian

厕所在哪里?- Cesuo zai nali? (where is the toilet)

Shangmian  (top)
下面xiamian (below)
里面 limian (inside)
外面Waimian (outside)
前面Qianmian (in front)  
后面houmian (behind)
旁边Pangbian (next to)
附近fuijin (nearby)
Zuobian (left)
Youbian (right)
对面duimian (opposite)
 在中间Zài zhōngjiān (in the middle)

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