Monday 4 December 2017

New vocabulary week 2

Week 2

Dianming 点名 : name

Ming bai 明白 : understand

Bu ming bai 不明白 : do not understand

Ting hen duo 听很多 : Listen a lot

Qu 去 : go with

Wo 我 : me

Ni 你 : you

Ta 他 : He

he shui喝水 : drink water

he guo zhi 果汁 : drink juice

Qing shuo yi shuo 请说一说。: say something

Ni jiehun le ma? : are you married

Dui bu qi对不起 : I am sorry

wo hai meiyou ting 我还没有听。: I have not heard yet

Wo hen e我很饿。: I'm very hungry

Wo  hen bao我很饱。: I'm very full

...... ma? : to ask question

 Ni ne? : how about you

Ni e ma? : are you hungry?

Guge xiansheng 谷歌先生 : Google

Youdi xiaojie 优蒂小姐 : Youtube

Ni hao 你好 : Hello

Wo shi ....我是 : my name

Zhe shi 这是 : this is

 kaishi开始 : start

Zhe shi shui? : who is this?

Ni jiao shenme  mingzi? : what is your name?

ren : human

suibian : simply do

wangji :forget

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