Sunday 17 December 2017

Chinese Characters (video 1 and video 2)


   Last week laoshi asked us to study the video about Chinese Characters. There are 4 videos in total. The videos provide me with the basic understanding and knowledge on how to form words by combining the characters. Thanks to the videos, I can increase my vocabulary because learning by watching the video is actually fun for me. I can pause the video anytime when I need more time to understand the video or when I want to jot down the information contains in the video. And here is the review on what I have learnt on the videos:

Video 1 :

  • Chinese characters evolved from earlier forms of hieroglyphs.
  • Today, we can still find some Chinese characters look like their ancestor.

  • There are tens of thousands characters in Chinese. Only 3000 to 4000 are needed in daily life.
  • Chinese characters have meanings but most of them are not words.
  • All Chinese characters are monosyllabic.
  • Only about 1200 possible syllable in modern Chinese.
  • So many homophones cause a lot of confusion in spoken Chinese. 

Video 2 :

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