Sunday 17 December 2017

Chinese Characters (video 3 and video 4)


   This is the continuation from last blog that I wrote since I think it will be too lengthy to combine all of 4 videos' summary together. So, here is the review for the video 3 and 4:

Video 3 :

Video 4:

  • There are 4 method of Chinese characters:
  1. pictographic characters - earliest Chinese characters, based on picture.(4%)
  2. indicative character - is made of stroke.

     3.associative characters - combine existing characters to give new meaning. (14% of indicative +                                                  associative)
     4.pictophonetic method - make sense of characters, adding few radicals. (80%)

  • Finding the radical -left, top, outside,right, bottom, inside.
  • Best way to learn Chinese characters :
  1. learn to differentiate basic components
  2. use the pictophonetic method to learn series of related characters.
  3. study easily confused characters together.

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