Thursday 22 February 2018

Lesson 10 - asking how much?

Asking "How Much Money" with 多少钱 (duōshao qián)

  • Subj. + 多少钱 ?


多少 钱 ?
Duōshao qián?
How much?

你 的 手机 多少 钱
Nǐ de shǒujī duōshao qián?
How much was your cell phone?

这 杯 咖啡多少 钱
Zhè bēi kāfēi duōshao qián?
How much for this cup of coffee?

Stating Quantities of Money

Number + 块 + Number + 毛


两  五 
liǎng kuài wǔ máo
two kuai five mao (2.5)

三  八 
sān kuài bā máo
three kuai eight mao (3.8)

二十 三  八
èrshí-sān kuài bā máo
Twenty-three kuai eight mao (23.8)

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